• January 14, 2025

Motorists fueling up at select SLEX and NLEX Caltex stations on April 16 and 17 have a chance to win a free full tank with Caltex’s Liter Lottery promo.

If the last digit of your liter meter matches the last digits of your vehicle’s plate number, your full tank of fuel is free.

The promo is open to all Class 1 vehicles availing any full tank of any of the following gasoline or diesel Caltex fuels: Platinum with Techron, Silver with Techron, and Diesel with Techron D.

Here are the participating Caltex stations on April 16 and 17, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.:

  • NLEX: Km 62 San Felipe, San Fernando Pampanga (Southbound)
  • SLEX: San Antonio, San Pedro Laguna (Northbound)

Motorists fueling up at SLEX and NLEX Caltex stations can also avail of free emergency medical assistance and Caltex lubricants through on-site activities.

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